Intrexx – Digital Office

One platform, endless potential.

With Intrexx, you digitalize all your company’s processes transparently and securely.

Security of investment

Rely on a sustainable, future-proof solution for the digitalization of your company. Intrexx makes your company scalable and flexible.

Sales growth

Low-code pays for itself: Increase your company’s productivity and unleash unimagined potential with automated processes.

Smart use of resources

Relieve your IT department and benefit from the efficiency of low-code development.

Improved collaboration

Break down silos – Intrexx brings people and teams together – whether internally across different sites or externally with partners, customers and suppliers.


Automate your processes

Model your extensive workflow and release scenarios on the digital interface of Intrexx and keep track of everything at all times. Adapt your processes to your needs. Say goodbye to inconvenient work processes – accelerate your processes and make them less prone to error by automating them. Process automation with Intrexx.

Develop applications smartly and efficiently

Low-code means freedom: The graphical user interface of Intrexx enables you to create high-performance business applications quickly and intuitively via drag & drop, almost without programming knowledge. Equally, you can adjust the ready-made elements at any time, allowing you to stay in control of the code. App development with Intrexx.

Consolidate everything on one platform

Create a clean platform architecture for processes and applications with Intrexx. Integrate external services such as SAP into Intrexx using configurable interfaces and create a central hub for all your company data, documents and processes. Data integration with Intrexx.

Future-proof your data integration with Intrexx

Intrexx adjusts to your requirements, not the other way around.

You can easily dock your existing systems and merge data – e.g. from SAP, IBM or Microsoft.

Your Intrexx platform grows with your company – and the data remains smartly managed and easy to find, even when the number of sources and systems grows.

Intrexx – the framework for your digital transformation

Com­mit­ment to the high­est code and soft­ware qua­lity

High­­est qua­­li­ty pro­­gram­­ming code and soft­­ware by a strong, agile de­­ve­­lop­­ment team gives you high-level per­­for­­mance and sta­­bi­­li­­ty.

We shor­ten your time to mar­ket

Sig­ni­fi­cant­ly re­duce the time to mar­ket with a gra­phi­cal drag-and-drop app­roach that also in­te­grates ci­ti­zen de­ve­lo­pers.

Nu­me­rous cus­to­mi­za­tion op­tions in con­fi­gu­ra­tion and de­ve­lop­ment

Full por­tal cus­to­mi­za­bi­li­ty pro­vi­ded at all times by com­bi­ning gui­ded con­fi­gu­ra­tion and de­ve­lop­ment.

Com­pre­hen­sive set of tem­plates

Use what is al­rea­dy there, adapt where nee­ded. This com­bi­na­tion al­lows you to work quick­ly while main­tai­ning your por­tal’s in­di­vi­dua­li­ty.

Deep in­te­gra­tion in­to the exis­ting sys­tem land­scape

Ef­fi­cient pro­cess con­trol and main­te­nance thanks to se­cure and fast con­nec­tions to exis­ting third-par­ty sys­tems (e.g. SAP, Mi­cro­soft365, BPMS).

Work in the cloud

Our cloud of­fe­rings give you ea­sy and fast ac­cess to your work en­vi­ron­ment.

From rea­dy-made app­li­ca­tions to com­plete so­lu­tions

Nu­me­rous out-of-the-box app­li­ca­tions and rea­dy-made so­lu­tions from our part­ners are rea­dy to roll with just a few clicks.

>20 years of low-code ex­per­tise

With the low-code de­ve­lop­ment plat­form Intrexx, Uni­ted Pla­net has been suc­cess­ful on the mar­ket for over 20 years. You can rely on our ex­per­tise.

Strong world­wide part­ner net­work

Part­ners across the globe with ex­per­tise in nu­me­rous in­dus­tries pro­vide you with in­di­vi­dual and on-site sup­port on re­quest.

The three turbo boosters of your low-code development software

Develop applications smartly and efficiently

Low-code means freedom: The graphical user interface of Intrexx enables you to create business apps quickly and intuitively via drag & drop. Equally, you can adjust the ready-made elements at any time, allowing you to stay in control of the code.

Automate your processes

Model your workflows on the digital interface of Intrexx and keep track of everything at all times. Say goodbye to inconvenient work processes – accelerate your processes and make them less prone to error by automating them.

Consolidate everything on one platform

Create a clean platform architecture for processes and applications with Intrexx. Integrate external services such as SAP into Intrexx and create a central hub for all your company data, documents and process.

Brick by brick – a metaphor for low-code development

The low-code principle refers to a type of programming that uses graphical “coding bricks” to create processes or automate processes, for example. In this case, the required code is already written and contained in each “brick”. The focus is on saving time – but without losing flexibility allowing you to go deeper and supplement each “brick” with your own code.

An overview of the market


will be created worldwide by 2023 on a cloud basis – more than in the last 40 years together (IDC)

annual growth

is predicted for the low-code market in coming years (Forbes)

of applications

will be developed using low-code development solutions by 2024 (Gartner)

The future is digital. Whoever does not put their processes to the test will not be able to stay competitive long term. Effective business applications are the key to advancing digital transformation in companies. But classic development approaches are expensive and complex. This is where low-code comes into play: A clever approach that harmonizes speed and quality.

Classic code, low-code or no-code?
It depends on the use case.

Manual programming (classic code) provides you with the greatest level of individuality but it costs a lot of time and resources. Out-of-the-box no-code solutions are ready to use at the drop of a hat but are very inflexible. Low-code creates a bridge between the two worlds.

Applications are indispensable solutions for the challenges companies face. They make efficient, digital working possible – regardless of the respective industry and area of business. You can also use applications to digitalize and optimize your business processes. No matter whether you want to create leave requests, manage documents, account for travel expenses or communicate news – applications have long been essential for such tasks.

With Intrexx, you have the perfect tool at your fingertips for creating individual business applications of any size quickly and easily.

As easy as one-two-three

Identify the application requirements

Which goals are you pursing with your application? And how should the application be structured to achieve these goals? Before you start, clarify which requirements the business application should meet.

Create your application quickly and easily

The low-code development platform, Intrexx, allows you to develop applications in a graphical user interface with almost know programming knowledge. By using ready-made elements, you can create high-performance applications and forms in record time via drag & drop. Furthermore, the included templates can be customized to your needs in no time.

Publish your application and use it immediately

You define who has read and write access to your new application. Publish your application and take your digital working to the next level!

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